Best Mushrooms For Anxiety

It is impossible to be alive without feeling some degree of stress or anxiety. Generally, our body and mind are ill-equipped to handle stress, which leads to a decrease in resilience, immunity, sleep, digestion, and mental health. However, we can bolster our body and mind to handle challenges and grow from them. In fact, when our body overcomes stress, it also increases creativity, innovation, immunity, health, happiness, and more.

Mushrooms are adaptogens. Adaptogens, as the name applies, contain compounds that help us adapt to anxiety and handle stress better to become more resilient.

Lion's Mane

Lion's Mane is a nootropic with scientifically-proven cognitive benefits. It supports the neural connections in your brain, helps with sleep, improves memory, boosts cognition, and reduces inflammation & plaque buildup in the brain.

Caffeine Alternative

More people are starting to use Lion's Mane supplements as an alternative to caffeine and coffee. Lion's Mane offers increased focus and productivity, but without the crash, jitters or anxiety that often comes with caffeinated products. If you want to increase physical and mental energy, try a mushroom product that combines Cordyceps with Lion's Mane. These two fruiting body mushrooms, when extracted and combined optimally, can provide one of the most invigorating natural energy boosts with NO ANXIETY or lost sleep!


  • Lion's Mane supports sleep
  • Proper rest makes your body and mind more equipped to handle stress 


  • Lion's Mane has been shown to support memory 
  • Strong memory comes with other positive cognitive abilities that can help you logically address thoughts more effectively and combat stress


  • Lion's Mane is a powerful nootropic that helps cognition 
  • Anxiety is a psychological burden that stems in the brain. With better cognition, you are more equipped to handle stress and anxiety 


Reishi reduces oxidative stress and helps us relax. When you reduce inflammation, you reduce cortisol, which reduces anxiety. Most chronic illness comes from inflammation, including inflammation of the brain. Many people have anxiety about these conditions. The severity of virus outcomes is largely determined by co-morbidities and your inflammatory state. When we consume something that high in antioxidants, it reduces inflammation, which in turn, reduces anxiety. When your brain is less inflamed, you are feeling better.

Anti-inflammation allows you to better deal with potential diseases and provides peace of mind. People who are confident in their immune system have less social anxiety. 


Did you know that a large part of our immune system is located in your lungs? The lungs are the fastest way to turn on your parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system activates a relaxation response and takes you out of fight or flight. In Chinese medicine, your lungs are said to hold grief and suffering - Improve your lungs with Reishi and release the grief (and anxiety)! 


Hypertension is usually linked to increased heart rate and pressure on the brain or organs. This often happens when your body is under a lot of stress or tension. According to scientific research, Reishi has been shown to lower one's blood pressure, which means the heart won't have to work as hard. 


Impending doom and pain during activities of daily living -- That's not fun and puts you in a bad mental state. Now you're not moving, which makes you even more anxious. Reishi can help with pain and arthritis according to studies.


Better sleep = less anxiety


All mushrooms, when sourced and processed correctly, contain the building blocks that we need to improve our mental and physical health. These include micronutrients, and more importantly, therapeutic qualities linked largely to polysaccharides (Beta-glucens), terpenoids, and other bioactive compounds that survive digestion and impact our entire body. When our cells receive what they need to work optimally, we are better equipped to handle stress, anxiety and fear.